Thank you for applying to Ohio Dominican University! You are just minutes away from officially starting your journey toward becoming an ODU graduate student. At ODU, you’ll find the courses, convenience and flexibility you need to succeed. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact ODU’s Office of Graduate Admission at 614-251-4615 or

Personal Information
International Information
Enrollment Information
Education Information

Please add all colleges and universities attended.

Employment Information (optional)
Involvement Information (optional)
Background Information (optional)

Ohio Dominican University believes in equal opportunity and does not discriminate against any applicant on the basis of race, color, sex, ancestry, national origin, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or religion, or against any otherwise qualified individual with disabilities in the administration of its admissions policies. The applicant is not required to answer these questions and refusal to answer will not affect admission. This information is collected and used for administrative and reporting purposes only.

Statement of Verification

I certify this information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Falsification of information on this application could jeopardize acceptance and enrollment. I authorize any institutions I have previously attended to release personal and academic information to Ohio Dominican University. Further, I agree that any college grades may be used for statistical studies or for evaluation purposes.